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When we talk with others who’ve lost a brother or sister, a common thread always seems to emerge: loneliness. 

As surviving siblings, most of us have experienced some version of feeling invisible, unimportant, and like our grief is less viable. Beyond missing our brother or sister, having our grief go unseen is inherently lonely. 

Our mission is to help other surviving siblings feel less alone. You get to choose how to participate– you can browse the resources we’ve compiled, join us for a facilitated Zoom meeting, or share your story with our community. to feel less alone. 

We’re grateful you’ve joined us and we look forward to getting to know you better. 

–Lynn, Alyson & Molly


Learn more about The Loss of a Lifetime: Grieving Siblings Share Love, Loss and Hope.

Book Club

Discussing books that explore the unique and lonely nature of sibling loss. Join us for our next read: 'Celebration of Sisters: It Is Never Too Late To Grieve' by Judy Lipson

'In Memory' Page

Share a picture and a little bit about your sibling with us. Read the posts created by other siblings who are part of our community.


Conversations about sibling loss and some of the awkward questions and complicated situations we all face. 

Coming Soon


Subscribe to our bimonthly newsletter that shares different takes on the reality and journey of sibling loss.

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